Monday, March 26, 2012

is there a function "IsType"?

Hi guys
I want to know how to write a function IsNumericType
so it returns: SmallInt, or Int, or TinyIntThere is a ISNUMERIC function, but in many cases it is of little utility.
One can create a scalar UDF with PATINDEX to determine if a given value is
numeric or not. Search the archives of this newsgroup and you'll find
several examples.
In t-SQL, you cannot distingush the exact type of a value, unless it is
assigned to a declared variable or belongs to a typed column.
Anith|||so let say it belongs to a typed column,
how to find out what type of column is it ?
I don't want to use sp_help, sp_help shows all the columns, but I only want
to show one.
"Anith Sen" <> wrote in message
> There is a ISNUMERIC function, but in many cases it is of little utility.
> One can create a scalar UDF with PATINDEX to determine if a given value is
> numeric or not. Search the archives of this newsgroup and you'll find
> several examples.
> In t-SQL, you cannot distingush the exact type of a value, unless it is
> assigned to a declared variable or belongs to a typed column.
> --
> Anith
>|||SELECT data_type
FROM information_schema.columns
WHERE table_schema = 'dbo'
AND table_name = 'table_name'
AND column_name = 'column_name' ;
David Portas
SQL Server MVP

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