Friday, February 24, 2012

Is only "shared memory" connection with "SQL Server Management Studio Express&quo

I have installed MS SQL Sever Express with it there is a SQL Server Configuration Manager installed. In this configuration manager there it is possible to enable and disable protocols for SQLEXPRESS. The following protocols are supported (and each protocol can be enabled/disabled individually):

Shared memory, Named Pipes, TCP/IP and VIA.

In the "SQL Server Management Studio Express" I connect to the SQL server and this works fine when "shared memory" are enabled. But when I disable "shared memory" in the configuration manager I can not connect to the SQL server via "SQL Server Management Studio Express".

In the "SQL Server Management Studio Express" there also are some "options/connection properties". There is a property for "network protocol" nomally set to "default" but possible to change to any of the enabled protocols. I have tested both to match the enabled protocols and also using the "default" selection without any success as long as "shared memory" is disabled in the configuration manager!

So, is it possible to enable only TCP/IP (or only named pipes) in the configuration manager and connecting to the SQL Server from the "SQL Server Management Studio Express"?

I'm going to move this to the Tools forum.

- Mike


When connecting to a local server management studio uses shared memory. The other connection types are only used when establishing connections to remote servers.


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