Monday, February 20, 2012

is notification services installed?

Hi All,
for ss2000, if notification services was installed, it will show up under
add remove programs...correct?
but for ss2005, it does not show up under add/remove... but you would see it
in management studio...correct?
Hello Jason,
As for SQL Server 2005 database instance, after you install it on your
machine, you can still use the "Control Panel--> Add/Remove programs" to
modify or remove it. The difference from SQL Server 2000 instance is that,
you need to first select the "Microsoft SqlServer 2005" in the add/remove
program's installed program list, and then choose "Change" or "Remove"
according to what you want to do. Then, it will show all installed SQL
Server 2005 instances and all the available installed SQL Server 2005
components(such as notification service, reporting service...), you can
choose add or remove certain component. Here is a knowledge base article
detailedly describe this:
#How to use the Add or Remove Programs item in Control Panel to add or
remove components for stand-alone installations and clustered installations
of SQL Server 2005
Hope this helps.
Steven Cheng
Microsoft MSDN Online Support Lead
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